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RUN, the COP(s) is Coming!!

Make $6,000 fighting Climate Change and different perspectives for this year's COP

RUN, the COP(s) is Coming!!

If you missed our Thanksgiving Op-Ed, check it out here: The Leftovers Guide

The Not-So Cold Open

COP 28 is Taking Place in The Oil Mecca

Let’s see what this year’s COP tells us about our progress

Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber; Christopher Pike/Bloomberg

If you didn’t know, COP28, hosted by the UAE, begins in Dubai later this week and the topic of the conference is “A Global Stocktake”- aiming to measure global progress on international climate agreements and goals. All eyes will be on Sultan Al Jaber, president of COP28 and head of the state oil company in the oil-dependent UAE, is a central figure in shaping the summit's ambition.

Here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • Carbon capture technology, a major focus at COP28, has attracted significant investment but faces challenges at scale.
  • The Loss and Damage fund, aimed at compensating developing countries impacted by climate change, may see an agreement at COP28.
  • COP28 aims to reach an agreement to triple global renewable electricity capacity by 2030
  • The International Energy Agency's (IEA) World Energy Outlook, is predicting significant shifts by 2030, including 10x as many EVs on the road as today, 80% of all new power generation will be solar or wind, and demand for fossil fuels will have peaked..

Read more here: Bloomberg

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Sodium in Batteries May Cause a Major Shake-up to Metals & Battery Industry

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  • If successful, it could yet again rejig metal demand outlook

Portugal Runs on 100% Clean Energy for a Week

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  • Portugal's strategy involves diversification of renewable resources, blending wind, water, and solar power, and exploring offshore opportunities

Climate Culture

COP Needs a Reality Check

Unilever’s Ex-CEO wants more young people in climate leadership

Ex-Unilever CEO Paul Polman at Davos 2021

In short, I just became a big fan of Paul Polman.

To give some context to the name, he’s the former CEO of Unilever and author of the world-renowned book “Net-Positive”- here’s the spark notes for his book:

Being net positive means going beyond short-term gains and superficial corporate social responsibility initiatives; it asks businesses to genuinely embrace long-term thinking and commit to holistic positive impacts

Paul recently blogged about his frustrations and pragmatic outlook on COP, calling for more public and private equity to be used for incorporating the youth’s messaging and leadership on climate strategies. Specifically he wants to see young people having the opportunity to shape the meeting (COP) and its outcomes. Not to mention bringing more balance to the attendee list after discovering over 630 oil & gas lobbyists attended last year’s COP, nearly the same number of participants as the UN’s network of young climate activists.

“If older generations keep excluding young citizens from shaping the solutions, those solutions simply aren’t going to stick… It will be no good handing young people a plan they had no part in designing, from a global establishment that’s lost their trust”.

As COP takes shape later this week, ask what or how your company or organizations can help elevate intelligent young voices on climate change and put them in a position to dictate the outcomes of our future.

You can read more here: Duurzaam-ondernemen

Better Living

Cash4Clunkers Combustion?

US Policymakers want your combustion engines in exchange for EVs

Niles, IL 2009; Tim Boyle/Bloomberg

An Environmental & Social Solution

It’s no shock that EVs come at a premium, the economics look no-where near as attractive as combustion vehicles do after over a century of operations. Incentive programs can play a huge role to increase affordability and ramp up sales. But even as we sell more EVs, we’ll need solutions to our old cars besides letting them rust away.

  • Colorado recently launched a Vehicle Exchange Program, offering rebates of up to $6,000 to anyone buying a new EV while trading-in a combustion- car
  • Programs like Colorado's are emerging across the US as a 2-for-1 carbon reduction strategy, encouraging clean-car purchases while eliminating less efficient vehicles- Vermont and California have also implemented similar initiatives as well
  • Despite some challenges, like limited consumer awareness and funding constraints, these programs are seen as both an environmental and social strategy to reduce emissions and promote equity in the transition to electric transportation.

With a surge in the number of registered vehicles in the US coupled with an increase in drivers, programs to accelerate fleet turnover will be crucial to achieve climate targets. Keep an eye out in your area for similar programs, especially if you’re looking to make the switch.

Full Article Here: Bloomberg

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Christopher Chacko profile image Christopher Chacko